Die Company of Merchant Adventurers, London und der Bürgermeistertitel

Die Company of Merchant Adventurers war eine privilegierte englische Handelskompanie,eine der bedeutendsten englischen Tuchhandelskompanien des ausgehenden Mittelalters.

Im Alter von 18 Jahren lassen Sie sich in London nieder, um im Nord und Ostseeraum Handel zu treiben. Die Zeiten sind unruhig. Der König von Dänemark, Waldemar der IV., ist dabei, seinen bankrotten Staat wieder in Ordnung zu bringen, und England ist mit den hanseatischen Vorrechten unzufrieden.

Stoff ist in England ein wichtiges Handelsgut. Es wird von den Merchant Adventurers auf den Kontinent exportiert und dort veredelt.

Aber London, der Sitz der Merchant Adventurers, ist nicht nur eine blühende Handelsstadt, sondern hat auch einen begehrten Bürgermeistersessel. Und den gilt es zu erklimmen. Man muss ein guter Kaufmann werden, um Einfluss in den verschiedenen Bünden, Gemeinschaften und Kreisen der Merchant Adventurers zu gewinnen. Nur über diesen Weg wird der Bürgermeistertitel erreicht. Doch es gibt viele Gefahren. Da ist der erwähnte dänische König und nicht zuletzt andere neidische Kaufleute aus Lübeck, die einen in Händel und böse Gefechte verwickeln können.


The term "merchant adventurer" had been applied to merchants since the early fifteenth century. While it originally referred to English merchants engaged in any export trade, it came to represent those who were willing to "adventure, " or risk, their money in speculative ventures.

The Company of Merchant Adventurers of London brought together London's leading overseas merchants in a regulated company in the early 15th century, in the nature of a guild. Its members' main business was the export of cloth, especially white undyed broadcloth. This enabled them to import a large range of foreign goods.

The conflict of the Merchant Adventurers with the Hanseatic League continued as the latter had the same rights in England as native merchants and better privileges abroad. They could thus undersell English merchants.


Die Company of Merchant Adventurers war eine privilegierte englische Handelskompanie,eine der bedeutendsten englischen Tuchhandelskompanien des ausgehenden Mittelalters. Als Merchant Adventurers wurden ab Mitte des 13. Jahrhunderts Fernkaufleute in England bezeichnet. Gemeint sind dabei vor allem jene Kaufleute, die nach Kontinentaleuropa reisten, um dort Handel zu treiben. Wenn sie um Jütland herum die Ostsee anfuhren, wurden sie dort als Eindringlinge empfunden und aufgrund des Seewegs als Umlandfahrer bezeichnet.

Das aufstrebende englische Handelsbürgertum bemühte sich immer mehr, die Vorrechte der Hanse im Ostseehandel zu brechen. 1437 erreichte es mit Unterstützung des Königtums die prinzipielle Anerkennung des Rechtes auf die Teilnahme am Ostseehandel. 1447 entzog König Heinrich VI. der Hanse alle Privilegien. Im Mai 1449 kaperten die Engländer eine hansische Baiensalzflotte.

Den Anlass zum Krieg lieferte schließlich eine Auseinandersetzung zwischen England und Dänemark, wobei 1468 mit Hilfe von der dänischen Krone gecharterten Danziger Kapern im Sund englische Schiffe aufgebracht und beschlagnahmt wurden. Daraufhin ließ Eduard IV. im Frühjahr 1469 den Stalhof stürmen und plündern. Die Kaufleute wurden zeitweilig inhaftiert und mussten für den im Sund entstandenen Schaden mit ihrem Vermögen haften.

Im April 1469 versammelte sich die Hanse in Lübeck. Sie beschloss den Krieg gegen England, verbot die Einfuhr englischen Tuches und ordnete den Einsatz von Kaperschiffen gegen die englischen Seeverbindungen an.


  • Bug fixes.
  • Removed E-Mail login - now you can login with unique user name and password.
  • Added english and german tutorial - accessable in top bar during game.
  • Shares of other companies can only be bought after players have finished their first turn.
  • Ships repairs are now done via slider.
  • Sending ships is now done via slider.
  • Attacking other merchants is only possible after they have reached level 2.
  • Map animation added for sending ships and other additional animations.


The map has come alive 😉 Enjoy watching the clouds move by or some birds flapping away. And just listen to those nice waves.
Trade's up!

English and German language

The game now is completly in english and german.

You can find the language settings on the settings page.

Good trading,

Merchant MacHopes

Bürgermeister Karzuhl takes the win!

Congrats! As the first winner ever of Company of Merchant Adventures you get this honoring post!

Well done! Can anybody beat the number of rounds to become the second ever Bürgermeister !?!

Trade's up.

The first entry to the highscores!

Project finished, goal reached

Welcome to this weeks developers post. Probably the last one, as all features are active and my origianl goal is reached. Project finished. ...for now

The Harbourmaster

The last feature added was the harbourmaster. He lets you manage a bigger fleet of ships. For a price. But if you have him, you can handle more than 10 ships.

The Stockbroker

The last feature added to the bank was the Stockbroker. He lets you manage more stocks of other players. For a price. But if you have him, you can handle up to 6 shares of other companies.

Project end

First in the Highscores!

Be the first in the Highscores and obtain fame and honor forever ! Get a special fame tag that will always show you as the very first to get the highest titel of Bürgermeister.

Trade's up!

Welcome to this weeks developers post. Here is whats new at the Merchants Company.

The two final features have arrived which are the dividend and the interest at the bank and the harbour siege game.

Also I've put a cogwheel at the top next to your name. Thats where all the settings to the game can be adjusted. Currently its only the reset of your game. Restarting will delete all progress made and set the original start values and towns.

The Bankhouse

The dividend and the interest at the bankhouse have arrived.

You get 1% dividend on all the shares you own from others.

You have to pay 2% interest on all shares of your own company that you don't own.

At the end of each turn you get your dividend added to your account and all interest get subtracted.

The Warehouse Siege

The second attack game is armed. Take care when attacking your opponents warehouses. Their defense will sink some of your ships.

The defense wall can be taken down when hitting it a few times. Defense cannons need one hit to be destroyed. Warehouses need two hits.

Man the cannons!

The battle is on

Welcome to this weeks developers post. Here is whats new at the Merchants Company.

Some annoying bugs were removed under the hood but also this week the battlefields have opened. So beware of hitting that attack button in the city harbours, your ships sink aswell, and once they are gone, they are gone. But no worries you can buy new ones, if you can afford it 😉



Currently only the ship battle is armed and has effekt on your ships. The battle still is very simple and will be enhanced, but hitting those enemy ships will sink them after striking them 4 times. Enemy ships will also take aim on your fleet and sink some of your ships. If you sink all enemies or all your ships have been taken down, or all ships have left the battlefield, the battle is over and scores will take effect on both fleets.

Harbour battlefields under development

The harbour battlefield is under construction, but its already reachable from the harbour view. Aim for the warehouses or the defences. Soon they will be destroyable.

Bank house

The bank has had some bug fixes and buying and selling other players shares should be all sorted now.

The last assignment

Welcome to this weeks Post. Here is whats new at the Merchants Company.

Most of the features are now working and need to be balanced or fine tuned. The last assignment are the two mini-games that allow players to attack each other.


New this week

As mentioned in last weeks post, ships are now taking damage from sea journeys. Take care of them and maintain them well, otherwise you will lose them.

Also your warehouses are now aware of that they can only take 900 units of goods per house. If they are overfull, goods will now rott away.

Small tweaks and fixes also are included in this weeks update.


Back from the whiteboard and Season Greetings

The last two weeks were a bit quiet, but some ideas grew out of that. The battleground concepts were put to paper and are ready to go. Also I designed the formular to make up the value of your company. A lot of small things coming along, tweaks here and there.

Mini-Games for the battles

Two small action games are coming along.

  1. Ship-Battle is out on the sea. Your ships versus the guys you attackt
  2. Harbour-Battle. Your siege on a kontor and warehouses defended by cannons.

New ideas for the Bank and the Harbour

The Bank will have a limit on how many shares of others you can have at one time. If you want to manage more shares, you need to buy in a manager. He will let you have more slots for shares to buy.

The same rule for number of ships you can controll in your fleet. If you want more ships, you will need a ships manager. He will let you own more ships.

Up next

Ships exposure to sea

Ships that you send to other harbours wear down and need to be repaired. The labour for this has its price.

Warehouses overfull

A warehouse in London has a volume of 900 units. If more goods are stored they will rott away and it is time to buy a new one. You can extend your warehouses five times.